Public Participation

Meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees are open to public attendance although occasionally some items are discussed in the absence of the public and this will be indicated on the agenda.

Residents have the opportunity to speak about agenda items at Cabinet and Committees.  Matters upon which the public can speak at Council Meetings will be limited to recommendations from the Cabinet and the Council’s Committees, and to motions debated under Council Procedure Rule 12.  Please telephone 01264 368000 by 12 noon on the working day before the meeting at which you wish to speak to let Democratic Services know which item you wish to speak on.

At meetings about planning and related matters (including planning applications), the following may speak;

  • Members with a personal interest who object to the application
  • Members with a personal interest who support the application
  • The relevant Parish Council
  • Objectors
  • Supporters
  • Applicants/Applicants Agents or anyone speaking on behalf of the Applicant.
  • Relevant Ward Members who are not Committee Members

A leaflet explaining the procedures is available on this page, or for the full Public Participation Scheme, please follow the link to the Council’s Constitution.