Financial Reports

Council Tax Requirement - Test Valley Borough Council




  Cost (£'000) Cost(£'000)

Gross Expenditure

2,572 3,237
Parish / Town Councils 1,983 2,136
Retained Business Rates / Prior Year Collection Fund 6,683 (10,350)
Contingencies and Transfers to / from Reserves 12,713 15,990

Council Tax Requirement - All Councils




  Cost (£'000) £/head % Cost (£'000) £/head %
Hampshire County Council 75,886 555.17 72.9 79,819 579.06 73.4
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police & Crime Commission 13,068 95.60 12.5 13,611 98.74 12.5
TVBC (Including Parishes) 10,585 80.57 10.6 11,013 79.90 10.1
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority 4,180 30.58 4.0 4,313 31.29 4.0
COUNCIL TAX REQUIREMENT ALL COUNCILS 103,719 761.92 100.0 108,756 788.99 100.0

Net Expenditure on Services




Service Total Exp (£'000) Total Income (£'000) Net Expend (£'000) Total Exp (£'000) Total Income (£'000) Net Expend (£'000)
Community & Leisure 8,030 4,550 3,480 8,022 4,440 3,582
Environmental 11,866 5,402 6,464 13,327 5,985 7,342
Housing & Environmental Health 8,035 4,821 3,232 9,128 4,607 4,521
Planning & Building 4,398 1,753 2,645 4,595 1,954 2,641
Planning Policy & Economic Development 2,460 114 2,346 2,924 252 2,672
Property & Asset Management 11,213 17,174 (5,961) 11,858 18,379 (6,521)
Revenues & Benefits 20,076 18,209 1,867 20,226 18,150 2,076
Support Services 2,841 698 2,143 3,550 1,241 2,309
Other Income and Expenditure 3,470 17,114 (13,644) 4,225 19,610 (15,385)
TOTAL TVBC 72,407 69,835 2,572 77,855 74,618 3,237

Variation in Gross Expenditure between years


2022/23 & 2023/24 (£'000)

2023/24 & 2024/25 (£'000)

Total TVBC Gross Expenditure - previous year 3,386 2,572
Increased services / budgetary pressures 1,088 539
Savings in services & income generation (1,967) (1,204)
Base changes 1,484 1,509
Inflation 910 878
Changes in investment income / borrowing costs / minimum revenue provision (2,213) (1,425)
Change in New Homes Bonus Income 905 970
Changes to other specific government grants (1,021) (602)
TVBC gross expenditure 2,572 3,237