Gas Safety

Please be aware that poorly installed and/or maintained domestic gas appliances can kill.

The link below provides advice about how you can make sure that your gas appliances are safe for use and what to do if you have concerns or are facing an emergency.

If you suspect that there may be a gas leak in your home

You should firstly:

  • Turn-off the gas supply
  • Open the windows to try and ventilate the house
  • Do not use electrical appliances, light matches or cigarettes

Then report the problem to:

THE NATIONAL GRID: Telephone 0800 111 999 (Freephone).

You will be visited as a matter or urgency.  If the National Grid considers it necessary they will disconnect the suspect appliance.

If you are in a rented property, once the appliance has been made safe, it would be your landlord's responsibility to arrange for any necessary repairs to be carried out.  If you need further advice then please contact the Private Sector Housing Team.

I have a gas fire or a gas boiler in my rented home - does it need to be checked?

At least once a year, your landlord must arrange for all the gas appliances in your home to be checked by a Gas Safe registered contractor to ensure that they are safe for use.  The landlord must provide you with a copy of the "Landlords Gas Safety Record" that would be supplied by the contractor after the safety checks have been carried out.  The Landlords Gas Safety Record would indicate whether or not the gas appliances are safe for use.

If you have not been supplied with a Landlord Gas Safety Record in the previous 12 months then you should contact the Health and Safety Executive.

Please note that the landlord is not responsible for checking any gas appliances that have been supplied by the tenant.

Do I need a Carbon Monoxide Alarm?

It is recommended that carbon monoxide alarms are provided in properties where there Is a gas appliance.  However since October 2015, it is a legal requirement that carbon monoxide alarms are provided in rented properties in rooms where there is a solid fuel burning appliance.  As a tenant you should be testing that these are working correctly.