Polling District Review 2023

Notice of completion of Review

Test Valley Borough Council has undertaken a periodic review of Polling Districts and Polling Places, under section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended). The review at the same time considered the suitability of existing polling stations and possible alternative polling stations.

The Council carried out a consultation process from Friday 13 October 2023 to Friday 24 November 2023. The representations received, together with the representations of the (Acting) Returning Officer were taken into account as part of the review.

At a meeting of full Council on 17 January 2024, the Council approved the proposals for new polling districts and polling places.

Copies of the representations received, the report to full Council and the minutes of the meeting are available from:

Head of Legal and Democratic Services
Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hants, SP10 3AJ

This notice has been published at Beech Hurst and the Former Magistrates’ Court offices in Romsey.

The notice has also been published on the Council’s website, where copies of the above documents are also available.

The Council will be making a formal Order to give effect to the changes agreed as part of the review process. The Order will be available on the Council’s website and at the above address.


Andy Ferrier     
Chief Executive & Returning Officer

Dated: 18 January 2024