Building Notice Application

To complete the application please click here
To enable your application to be validated, you will also need complete the supplementary information form. To do so please click here We will need the form to be emailed to us upon completion.


In certain circumstances, you can simply submit an application for Building Regulations under the Building Notice procedure. The application form, together with a site plan, needs to be deposited at least 48 hours before works commence on site. No detailed plans are required and compliance with the regulations will be ascertained as work proceeds on site. However, the Council can request further details to clarify certain parts of the work if it is felt necessary to establish compliance with the regulations. This procedure is mainly for minor works, such as domestic extensions, garages, installation of bathrooms etc. The main disadvantage is that you will not have notice of passing of plans and the knowledge that your proposals comply with Building Regulations before work starts on site.

Once a valid application has been deposited we will send the applicant/agent an acknowledgement letter and a site inspection record card. The record card will detail the stages of the work that the Building Control Surveyor will need to inspect. You can start work 48 hours after depositing a valid application. It is then the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the surveyor is notified at these stages.

A Building Notice is valid for 3 years from date of deposit. If works have not commenced within this time you will need to submit a new application and payment.

Once the surveyor has carried out a final inspection and is satisfied that the works comply to the Building Regulations, a Completion Certificate will be sent to the applicant.