Ox Drove Meadow

Conservation aims

Prior to the development, surveys were completed that found evidence of dormice in the area. With these results in mind, a dormouse bridge has been installed crossing above Ox Drove from the site to the development in order to maintain connectivity between habitats.

 Ox Drove Meadow is included in the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme and 50 dormouse boxes are situated across the site. No dormice have yet been found in these nest boxes, however, a new trial survey method of footprint tunnels has been used here and found clear evidence that dormice are in the area. 

Butterfly surveys have also taken place here since 2019 to compile a species list for the site, as well as feeding into the national monitoring scheme. These survey results will inform the management of the site to benefit wildlife as a whole. 

The grassland is managed on an annual cut and collect regime. This ensures that wildflowers, imperative for maintaining the butterfly populations and other invertebrates, are not outcompeted by other grasses and scrub.