Housing Strategy Evidence Base & Review of Homelessness

Here you can download a copy of the Housing Strategy Evidence Base & Review of Homelessness December 2019

Executive Summary

The evidence base represents a huge body of work that will underpin the council’s future key housing strategies. It supports the council to meet the legal requirements of the Homelessness Act 2002, and to develop evidence led policy that benefits local communities and targets locally identified priorities.
In the broadest terms, the evidence base demonstrates there is much to be celebrated about us, and about the council’s proactive approach to delivering services while investing in local communities.
Yet with a positive record of delivering new affordable housing, a cutting edge approach to preventing and relieving homelessness, and with evidence that there are considerable levels of affluence in Test Valley; there sadly remain pockets of significant deprivation and those who are left behind.
Like so many areas in southern England, the local housing market locks large numbers of people out of the realistic prospect of home ownership, and many more struggling to afford to rent accommodation in the private rented sector.
Delivering new housing opportunities remains vital, and particularly affordable housing that meets identified local need. We and our partners must continue to deliver new housing locally, of all tenures, and to support our most vulnerable residents along with those on low incomes.
Preventing and relieving homelessness remains a key priority for us, and this evidence base highlights where our future strategies should focus so that we are able to build on our success to date, grow our potential, and continue to deliver a truly modern and effective housing service.
The evidence base considers a wealth of data and evidence, leading to a set of key priorities that will inform both our future Housing Strategy, and its Preventing Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy too.