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Year 3 progress report on Council's Corporate Action Plan

An update on the progress of Test Valley Borough Council’s Corporate Action Plan (CAP) will be reviewed by the Cabinet on June 21.

The CAP is the delivery document of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2015 – 2019, “Investing in Test Valley”. It shows in detail how the Council intends to make progress against its four strategic priorities of Live, Work, Enjoy and Contribute through the key projects to be taken forward over the four year period.


Leader of the Council, Councillor Phil North said: “ We are now half-way through our ambitious plan and a review of the 21 projects which have been brought forward so far show good progress. Notable achievements during year two include the renewal of the Andover Vision, a new leisure centre provider and new Housing and Economic Development Strategies.


“In year 3 there will be no let up on performance and delivery as we will be considering a number of projects for inclusion onto the plan including additional investment for Walworth Business Park, and delivering schemes and projects that contribute to the new Economic Development Strategy.”  

Progress in Year 2 :

  • The renewal of the Andover Vision. This 20 year vision strategy for the town is now complete and will be used to work on a variety of future projects for the town, attract funding and guide future policies and strategies relating to Andover.


  • A new leisure centre provider which has taken over management of the borough's leisure facilities from the 1st April 2017. As a result, major upgrades are planned for all of the leisure facilities across the borough including a brand new centre in Andover.


  • A new Housing Strategy and a new Economic Development Strategy were both completed this year.


  • A bespoke community planning toolkit as part of a national pilot funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government to explore the role of Neighbourhood Planning with local communities.


The Cabinet will also consider a number of projects for inclusion onto the CAP in year 3 as follows:


  • Build upon the successful work with Kier to continue to attract inward investment onto Walworth Business Park in Andover.
  • Deliver a review of parish councils electoral arrangements
  • Work with partners to develop and take forward Andover Vision’s action plan
  • Deliver Schemes and projects that contribute to the new Economic Development Strategy
  • Deliver a new leisure centre for Andover; provide temporary swimming facilities in Andover and upgrades to Romsey Rapids, Romsey Sports Centre, Knightwood Leisure Centre and Charlton Lakeside.
  • Prepare for the implementation of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017.  

It is proposed that the remaining fifteen projects that formed the CAP in year 2 continue into year 3 of the CAP.

The CAP currently consists of twenty-one projects with each one contributing to one or more of the priorities in the Corporate Plan. A full list of the projects that formed the CAP in year two can be accessed via the following link.

The Corporate Plan was developed using a robust evidence base which takes into account the views of local people, statistical information, and external influences such as government policy.

It sets out four priority aims which focus on ensuring the Borough remains a great place to:

•           Live, where the supply of homes reflects local needs

•           Work and do business

•           Enjoy the natural and built environment

•           Contribute to and be part of a strong community