New local plumbing and heating engineer receives £750 financial boost from council business incentive grant
A new Andover plumbing and heating engineer business has been given a £750 boost after receiving a grant from Test Valley Borough Council.
Having worked for the last 15 years with different employers within the housing and building industry, Andrew Hoare decided to take the leap and go self-employed, setting up ATH Gas Services.
Now, having applied for the council’s Business Incentive Grant fund, Andrew has been awarded £750 to help with the start-up costs.
Andrew Hoare, said: “Thank you so much to Test Valley Borough Council for awarding me the grant. I was keen to set up on my own after seeing the success of my brother as a self-employed electrician, who was also lucky enough to receive a Business Incentive Grant.
“I feel ready for this next step on my own as I have gained a wealth of experience over the last 15 years.”
Councillor Tracey Tasker, who presented the cheque to Andrew Hoare, said: “It is great to be able to offer support through a Business Incentive Grant to a new local start-up and I wish Andrew all the best in his new venture.”
The council’s Business Incentive Grants are available to anyone looking to set up their own business in Test Valley. Anyone who successfully applies for the grant will receive £750 if their business is still going strong six months later.
These funds have become available to the community as a consequence of the council’s prudent investments, financial management and the use of the New Homes Bonus.