Green Land Availability Assessment (GLAA)

Test Valley Borough Council has issued calls for “green” project sites as part of the preparation of its Local Plan. This is in the context of promoting the conservation, restoration and enhancement of priority habitats, ecological networks and the protection and recovery of priority species; improving the condition waterways and other water bodies; and identifying opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity.

It is not always possible for new developments to achieve the necessary ecological enhancements required by national planning policy within a development site. Sometimes off-site mitigation projects will be an appropriate alternative in addition to on-site measures.

Therefore, in 2021 and 2022 we invited landowners and other interested parties to put forward project sites that could help deliver positive enhancement to the local environment, thus enabling development.

Sites considered appropriate by the Council could be eligible to be considered for funding from tariffs placed on developers to ensure their environmental obligations are met.

We are in the process of bringing the information together that has been submitted through these calls for sites.

The GLAA will only identify sites that have been promoted to the Council. The inclusion of a site in the GLAA will not imply that the site is considered suitable for providing necessary ecological benefits.

Submissions for new sites can be made outside of specific calls for sites using the guidance note and form available from this page. Additional information for existing sites can also be provided through this route. All such submissions will be kept on file until the next update of GLAA.

All promoted sites will be made publically available. Individual personal details and land ownership details will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

For further information or any queries please telephone 01264 368000 or email

Call for Sites 2024

This is an opportunity for land owners to promote any new sites for consideration, and is not a review of existing SHELAA and GLAA sites. There is no requirement to resubmit sites that have previously been submitted for consideration, however if you wish to update any information of current SHELAA sites please submit this information.

The inclusion of a site in the SHELAA or GLAA does not imply that the Council would necessarily grant planning permission. All promoted sites will be made publicly available. Individual personal details and land ownership details will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Please complete the submission form (docx, 67kb) and return to:

  • By email to: or
  • By post to:    Planning Policy Team, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3AJ