LCA3A Baddesley Mixed Farmland and Woodland

Landscape Strategy and Guidelines

Although the area has a number of distinctive features, overall the landscape has become fragmented. The overall strategy is to restore and enhance the landscape structure of woodland linked by hedgerows within Baddesley Mixed Farmland and Woodland.

Land Management

Landscape Distinctiveness

Reinforce existing local features and add to woodland structure


Encourage reversion of arable land to pasture

Discourage merging of remaining smaller fields

Seek to ensure that local changes to agricultural land uses are well managed and retain and strengthen the existing landscape structure


Restore hedgerows and encourage replanting of former hedgerow lines

Woodland and Trees

Encourage new planting of woodlands in keeping with existing local woodland pattern

Maintain existing woodland cover and encourage active management including coppicing, particularly in areas close to settlements


Protect watercourses and wetlands by minimising pollution, soil erosion and construction projects

Encourage agricultural management that will protect and enhance remnant unimproved grasslands

Prevent loss of remnant heathland and encourage heathland restoration

Historic Landscapes

Maintain the patchwork of informal 17th and 18th century enclosure fields found within the hinterland of Romsey

Urban Fringe

Ensure that any development in the urban fringe landscape is designed so that it has a positive impact on the landscape.

Land Use and Development

Built Developments

Avoid loss of separate identity of well defined settlements through coalescence and homogeneous design

New development to be contained within a wooded or treed setting

Encourage new planting to screen and contain the edge of Romsey


Protect the area from further noise and visual intrusion from the local major roads

New infrastructure projects to be carefully sited to minimise impact on the landscape.

New planting, in keeping with local characteristics, to be included to integrate and screen development proposals

Recreation, Tourism and Access

Encourage management of woodlands to enable greater public access


Volume 1: LCA3A Landscape Character Types and Areas