LCA4B Michelmersh To Ampfield Wooded Farmland

Landscape Strategy and Guidelines

There is a delicate balance between the existing settlement pattern and the surrounding landscape, which is much valued at present. The overall strategy is therefore to conserve the existing settlement and landscape pattern of Michelmersh to Ampfield Wooded Farmland.

Land Management

Landscape Distinctiveness

Maintain the distinctive character of each settlement and its surrounding field pattern

Protect existing levels of tranquillity


Maintain existing field pattern and hedgerows

Encourage reversion of arable fields to pasture


Encourage the replanting of former hedgerow boundaries and the better management of existing hedgerows

Woodland and Trees

Encourage woodland planting, especially along the southern boundary to link in with Sir Harold Hilliers Arboretum and Ampfield Wood

Maintain the existing historic woodland pattern and composition

Encourage the regeneration of young hedgerow trees


Conserve and enhance remnant heathland and unimproved meadow and grassland

Protect watercourses and associated mires and ponds

Maintain and enhance valued habitats on disturbed ground as at Casbrook Common

Historic Landscapes

Respect the landscape setting to Sir Harold Hilliers Garden and Arboretum

Urban Fringe

Protect the area from intrusive elements in association with the urban fringe of Romsey

Land Use and Development

Built Developments

Maintain and enhance the existing quality of the landscape buffers between the existing settlements

Protect the area from suburbanising influences and inappropriate landscaping and infrastructure design

Seek opportunities to mitigate intrusive elements in the landscape through appropriate landscape treatment


Avoid suburbanisation arising from introduction of inappropriate highway measures

Recreation, Tourism and Access

Encourage management of woodlands for public access

Minerals and Waste

Encourage replanting of existing minerals sites to create new woodland in keeping with the local landscape pattern


Volume 1: LCA4B Landscape Character Types and Areas