LCA6F Rushmore Wooded Downs

Landscape Strategy and Guidelines

The Rushmore Wooded Downs is typical of the wooded areas of the North Wessex Downs AONB scarp landscape. The overall strategy is therefore to conserve and enhance the sense of intimate seclusion and mix of woodland, hedgerows with trees and rough grassland within the Rushmore Wooded Downs.

Land Management

Landscape Distinctiveness

Maintain the existing relationship between landform and vegetation pattern

Maintain the strong sense of tranquillity


Encourage reversion of arable land to pasture

Maintain field sizes


Maintain pattern of thick hedgerows

Woodland and Trees

Maintain existing levels of woodland cover


Conserve, manage and restore chalk grassland

Land Use and Development

Built Developments

Maintain existing pattern of scattered farmhouses

Built form to reflect local pattern and materials


Avoid visual and noise intrusion from tall elements and the A343


Volume 1: LCA6F Landscape Character Types and Areas