Corporate Plan 2023-2027
Next steps and measuring our progress
The Corporate Plan sets out our priorities, providing the direction and focus for our activities and guiding the allocation of resources over the next four years. It also outlines the impact we hope to make as a result of our actions, so that we can demonstrate to residents how we are working towards our vision.

The Corporate Plan is underpinned by the Corporate Action Plan (CAP) which runs for the lifetime of the plan and is updated annually. This shows, in detail, how we intend to make progress and focuses on the specific projects we will take forward against each of the priorities.
The Cabinet reviews the performance of the CAP on an annual basis. This enables the active performance management of the CAP and ensure that the Council is allocating resource in the most effective way. Each year, the Leader of the Council will make a presentation to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to report on progress made during the year. This
will form the basis of an annual update report and will be published on the Council’s website.
We monitor our progress against a range of indicators, as part of a broad suite of operational management tools. This helps us to ensure that the things that matter most to residents are being delivered in an efficient and effective way.

In addition, each of our services produces an annual Service Plan which describes the things they do and how they contribute to the Corporate Plan priorities.
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