Ox Drove Meadow
General information
Ox Drove Meadow is a small section of north facing chalk grassland spanning just over 3 hectares. The site, now under management of the Test Valley Borough Council’s Parks and Countryside Team, was set aside for wildlife mitigation during the development of Picket Piece, chosen for its presence of key species such as Hazel Dormice.
The site is managed for its value to wildlife but still provides access to the public for informal recreation purposes.

There is a gravel path meandering through the site with benches so you can enjoy the site at your leisure and take in the fantastic views of Andover and the wider countryside.
Historically, this site would have been used as part of a cattle drive, hence its name. It may have also been used as grazing pasture. Its previous history as agricultural and grazing land has shaped elements of this site that now help support a variety of wildflowers and invertebrates as well as establish scrubby hedgerows that provide nest and foraging habitat for birds and mammals.