Corporate Plan 2023-2027
Andover and Romsey

Key Facts:
- Over half of the borough’s population live in its two main towns – Andover and Romsey.
- Located in the north of the borough, Andover is the larger of the towns. With a population over 50,000, many people who live in the town also work there too. Andover’s population has grown in recent years; the development of new communities at Augusta Park, Picket Twenty and Picket Piece, to the town’s east and north, have contributed to this.
- Andover’s town centre includes the historic St Mary’s Church and Guildhall, a state of the art leisure centre, Andover College, the Lights Theatre and a number of shops and businesses.
- The River Anton flows through the town’s heart with places like Rooksbury Mill, Anton Lakes and Ladies Walk providing places for local residents to enjoy the great outdoors.
- Romsey is situated in the south of the borough and is home to over 20,000 people.
- Centred on its historic town centre, Romsey is a thriving market town with highlights including Romsey Abbey, War Memorial Park and a large number of independent retailers.
- With the River Test running through its heart, Romsey also is home to Fishlake Meadows, a wetland nature reserve. There are also numerous sports facilities in and around the town including Romsey Rapids, Romsey Sports Centre and Ganger Farm Sports Park.
- Both towns have a good range of facilities and services for their residents and those living in surrounding areas.

What we will do over the next four years and beyond:
- Work proactively with key partners to enhance the economic, social and cultural prosperity of both Andover and Romsey. We will promote our towns as great places to visit that are welcoming, safe and attractive, in a way that draws upon their strengths and identities as communities.
- Deliver projects that bring forward the regeneration of Andover town centre and south of Romsey town centre, as set out in the community-led masterplans for each of these towns. This will involve playing our part to support the changing nature of town centres and investing in new public realm, cultural initiatives and events, alongside major redevelopment schemes.
- Focus on meeting future needs that result from changing and growing populations within both Andover and Romsey. Through our strategic plans we will make sure that a range of homes, including affordable, and related infrastructure, is provided. Access to the services people need, both now and in the future, will be planned for, delivered, and tailored to the needs of each town.
- Work creatively with Andover Vision and Romsey Future, as the community partnerships for these towns, to support the delivery of their local strategies and action plans. We will help strengthen connections across local communities and provide the catalyst for working together to deliver priorities that are shaped by local people. This will include finding opportunities to support improved health and wellbeing, so that people can live well within their communities for longer, make the most of the assets and facilities within the towns, support local businesses to thrive and play their part in addressing climate change.
- Continue to invest in the range of open and accessible green spaces that exist within both Andover and Romsey, recognising the important benefits to wellbeing they provide for local communities. We will enable people to take part in sport and recreation opportunities within their local community and create links to access the countryside, so that people can enjoy the benefits of the natural environment in a sensitive and sustainable way.