Honey Bees

Honeybees are wasp-like in size and shape (approximately 15mm long) and light brown in colour. They live in a well organized colony, which may contain several thousand workers, that does not need to hibernate. They produce honey and store it in wax comb. Honeybees survive over winter and are headed by a queen.

During the warmer months swarms may collect on your garden shrubs or in some instances on your property. Usually they will not stay for longer than a few days and if left alone, remain harmless.

What Causes Bees To Swarm?

A swarm is the natural way for bees to multiply and produce new colonies. It is normally the culmination of queen rearing.

What Should I Do if I Have a Swarm in My Garden?

If a swarm is in close proximity to buildings keep doors and windows closed. Ensure the swarm are left alone and do not try to remove it yourself.

Unfortunately Test Valley Borough Council no longer undertake any Bee treatments. If you have a problem you will need to contact a private pest control company or the local Beekeeping Society.