Wheeled Bins
Test Valley Borough Council requires all households to present their waste in a 240 litre black household waste wheeled bin or a 240 litre brown recycling wheeled bin.

Black Wheeled Bin
This is provided for the storage and collection of domestic household waste. It should not be used to dispose of items such as garden waste, batteries, car parts, concrete blocks, bricks, rubble, soil, trade waste or hazardous household chemicals. The collection team will only empty one black bin per household unless the household has an authorised extra black bin.
Brown Wheeled Bin
This is provided for the storage and collection of the following domestic recyclable materials: paper, cardboard, cans, tins, household aerosols and plastic bottles. It should not be used to dispose of any other materials. The collection team will empty more than one brown bin per household.
Side or Excess Waste
Only household waste contained within the black wheeled bin will be collected. The collection team will not collect any bags or boxes left next to or put on top of a black wheeled bin. Bin lids should be closed and bins should not be overloaded so that when they are moved, waste falls out. Waste left beside bins will only be collected during the Christmas period.
Domestic recyclable materials in cardboard boxes left beside the brown bin on recycling weeks will be collected throughout the year. Please try to keep it as dry as possible.
Wheeled Bin Charges - 240 litre and 140 litre Wheeled Bins
Test Valley Borough Council charges £42.00 for each black wheeled bin (for household waste) and £29.50 for each brown wheeled bin (for recycling).
No concessions or payment plans are available. Payment will need to be received by the Council in full prior to delivery of the bin(s).
The Council expects property developers to meet the cost of providing bins for new housing developments, however where a property developer refuses to pay, householders will be required to pay. If you are moving into a new property, we recommend that firstly you request your bins from your developer as they may have a supply ready for you.
All wheeled bins must meet a minimum design specification as provided by the Council in order to ensure that they are compatible with the lifting equipment on the Council’s refuse collection vehicles. See the link below for more details.
Wheeled Bin Charges - 1100 litre Wheeled Bins (for Multiple Occupancy Properties/Flats)
Test Valley Borough Council charges £420.00 for each 1100 litre wheeled bin.
The Council expects property developers to meet the cost of providing 1100 litre wheeled bins for new multiple occupancy developments, however where a property developer refuses to pay, residents will be required to pay.
Landlords, managing agents or private owners should contact the Council in advance who will advise on the appropriate number of 1100 litre wheeled bin(s) required to provide waste containment capacity appropriate for the development.
All 1100 litre wheeled bins must meet a minimum design specification as provided by the Council in order to ensure that they are compatible with the lifting equipment on the Council’s refuse collection vehicles. See the link below for more details.
Mark Your Bin
Your bins should be marked so they can be identified and the risk of them being mistaken or stolen will be reduced.
Damaged or Stolen Wheeled Bins
Each householder / landlord / managing agent or group of private owners are responsible for the condition and security of their wheeled bins. There will always be a bin purchasing charge unless a bin is damaged and that damage is proven to have been caused through the fault of the Council. Property owners are required to take adequate precaution to prevent theft and arson – including wherever possible taking bins to within the property boundary following collection.
To order a wheeled bin, click here: Order: Wheeled Bins or contact customer services on 01264 368000 or email info@testvalley.gov.uk